How to Get the Justin Bieber Smile

March 18, 2010 at 11:15 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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With the new release of Justin Bieber’s song, “U Smile,” we thought it would be a good time to talk about how anyone can achieve a smile like the teen superstar. For young people before you consider professional teeth whitening services, there are things you can do at home. Practicing good oral hygiene is the first step. Over time, many foods and drinks can leave behind residue which can cause teeth to yellow. You can prevent that by brushing after every meal which helps to remove buildup. And when you floss regularly, this also helps to preserve both the appearance and general health of your teeth.

However, if you’ve neglected your teeth for a while, then professional teeth whitening services might be the best step toward recovering your white smile. The professional cleaning and whitening process can include controlled teeth bleaching, especially in instances where there are years of buildup. Bare in mind that one session may or may not show a significant improvement. Your dentist can advise you on what to reasonably expect from the procedure and also how to practice proper oral hygiene in between sessions.

If your teeth are in fairly good shape and you just need to freshen and whiten the surface from time to time, you may want to try using strawberries and baking soda to achieve a whiter smile. Simply mash a fresh strawberry into a pulp and add a little baking soda. Rub the combination over the surface of your teeth, then rinse. The baking soda helps to remove plaque while the acid in the strawberry can help to loosen surface stains. Be sure to rinse thoroughly and brush using a good quality toothpaste ten to fifteen minutes after the treatment.

To learn more about healthy dental hygiene or our teeth whitening services, contact us at 757.436.7000 or

To sign up for our teeth whitening specials make sure you follow us on Twitter and join our Facebook group.

Family cashing in on ‘David After Dentist’

March 18, 2010 at 6:01 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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Source: CNN

Austin, Texas (CNN) — If you spend any time on the Internet, you’ve no doubt seen “David After Dentist,” the YouTube video of a woozy 7-year-old boy in the back seat of a car, struggling to understand the effects of anesthesia.

The viral clip has been viewed almost 54 million times and gave rise to the catchphrase, “Is this real life?” It was the second most-watched video of 2009, according to YouTube, trailing only Susan Boyle‘s appearance on “Britain’s Got Talent.”

It’s also been an unexpected bonanza for the boy’s Orlando, Florida-area family, who, despite some criticism that they exploited their child by posting his image online, has turned the one-minute, 59-second home video into a lucrative sideline.

Click here to see the entire story.

Truth about Candy

March 12, 2010 at 11:25 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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With Easter on the way, here is another article about Candy…..

Few products as candy bring so much joy yet are clouded in so much mystery and myth.

While candy is often a “special treat”, it, like anything used n moderation, can be enjoyed on a daily basis providing it is part of a well balanced nutritious diet.

Below is an informative list compiled by the National Confectioners Association and Chocolate Manufacturers Association (NCA/CMA) and other resources that will hopefully shed light on many candy related misconceptions.


TRUTH: This is perhaps the most widely held misconception about candy.

Any food containing ferment-able carbohydrates, such as starches or sugars, can contribute to tooth decay. It all depends on how often we eat and drink these foods and how long they remain in our mouths. Good dental hygiene and regular fluoride treatments are the best ways to prevent cavities.


TRUTH: Many treats, such as lollipops, candy canes and gummi items, do not contain fat or cholesterol, making them a healthier treat than many people realize.

Gum drops, a majority of licorice items and many hard candies are fat free and have minimal or no cholesterol and many of these candies are low in calories.

A cup of candy corn, for example, has fewer calories than a cup of raisins thus making it, in moderation, a healthy snack.

To read more myths and misconceptions about Candy, click here.

An Organic Alternative to Easter candy

March 12, 2010 at 8:14 pm | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment
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For parents that are concerned about their little ones’ teeth, check out this site, Natural Candy Store.

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